In the event of an accident, please get in touch with our Service Advisors.

Warm and knowledgeable Service Advisors

Our Service Advisors have been trained to handle all your queries. They will also guide you through the whole repair process, from the time they receive your vehicle until it is delivered back to you.

Skilled expert Technicians

Continuous training is provided to all the Technicians in the dealers. Our well-experienced Technicians will ensure that your vehicle will be back in its tip-top shape.

Up-to-date techniques and know-how

The latest procedures and processes are cascaded to the dealer personnel. Best practices are also shared to ensure efficiency and quality of work.

Affordable Mitsubishi Genuine Parts with exact fit and warranty

Our reasonably-priced Genuine Parts ensures a perfect fit and outstanding quality. Always have peace of mind with the warranty on all Genuine Parts.

High-quality Mitsubishi-approved paint

To ensure exceptional paint jobs, only the finest paint brands will be used in your vehicle. Achieve the best finish with the best materials available.

Complete and advanced tools/equipment

Having the right tools and equipment will result to excellent repairs. With the Technicians’ skills and complete tools, your vehicle will be restored to its original condition.

Service Guide

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